"This is my path. Me and all the people that tell people to worship Allah and the truth(Way of Islam)"
Al-Quran, Yusuf; verse 108

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A new start


One night. Around 1 o'clock in the morning.

"Look at that father, a pillow with a start sign!"

"No, son. It is a pillow with a shut down sign!"

"What??!! It is a start button, daddy!"

"How can you even say that now, lad?"

"Obviously daddy. When ever we look at a computer, we push a button which have that sign. Don't you know that daddy?"

"Son, are you nuts or what? Come here and take a look at this laptop. When you are shutting down this laptop, you will click this button and it will shut down right? Who is the one that doesn't know, boy?"

"Argghhh!! You are confusing me, daddy! I don't want to talk to you anymore! *bwekkk!!"

"Oh, grow up, son! you are 20! Can't you be mature??!!"

"Daddy! I don't want to be mature! It is so boring!"

"Why are you thinking it that way?"

"Again? Obviously! Just look at you, dad. You are boring. You don't even know how to have fun, you don't even get drunk when you are stress? Is this cool? Is great? HELL NO!"

"So, you are saying that getting drunk, having an open sex with anyone you like, going to a party and leave all the things that you should do behind is cool great? Is it?"

"Absolutely dad. I don't want to to do all those lame stuff. Pray 5 times a day, stay virgin as long as I am not married. That sucks, man!"

"Ah, I see. That is how you think. Okay son, lets go for a walk."

So, they walk until they reach near a bar.

"Son, you want to go there?"

"Definitely baby! Lets go, pops. *Smilling*"

"Are you sure about this, mate?"

"Yes, father....*sigh*"

"Son, how about we wait here for a few minutes.


They wait for a few minute and they saw a girl coming out, with a very short skirt and a very tight t-shirt. She lie down on the road and suddenly she throws out. Even so, she still lay down on the road, on her own puke.

"Can you see what I see son?"

"Ya, that is disgusting! Still, I won't be that girl. I am a good son. I can control myself if I get drunk."

"Son, you never realize what I am trying to teach you over here."

"What is it, dad?"

"Son, Allah had said in the Holy Quran in surah Adzariyyat, verse 56. "And I do not create jinns and humans other than to pray to me". You get that?"

"Ya ya, I know. The religious talk again. WHO CARES, DAD??!!! When I get old, I will do all the repent stuff and I will be a religious person too. No worries, pops."

"Yes, I know. We can always here that all the time. Do you know when you are going to die, son?"

"Hell yeah! I am going to die as soon as I get old, dad. HAHAHAHHA."

"Good for you if that do come true. If you ever get drunk, and you drive. You get into an accident, then only you will realize that drinking is never good for you. Then only you will start to repent and do something good. But, for now, you will not do it because you are not thinking about the consequences, son! Think again, if you happen to be drunk, and you get laid with any of those WHORES or any women that you think you want to make out with, what if you get HIV? Then you will come crawling to me, saying that you are sorry for those sins. What would happen if you tell me I am sorry. You are not doing something sins to me, you are making sins to Allah. The one who created you."

"Blah blah blah. Boring. I want to get a beer. You want some?"

"No and so do you. Think again. Where do you get that tongue, nose, HEART, MIND, eyes, legs and of that! Allah. And this is what you are giving back to Him? For all the things He gave to you?"

"Oh come on dad! I will repent when I get old. Furthermore, Allah is the most forgiving right? Then He will forgive me when I get old and repent. AHHAHA."

"Is that enough? Why don't you think you are in that position. Don't think that you are Allah. Think, after you give all help all your friends be happier, helping them in everything, and all they will give back to you is betrayal. Will that make you happy?"

"No dad. But, again, I am just a human. Not a God like Allah. I am not as forgiving as Him"

"Ya, I know that. Well, think about this, you are trying to act cool in front of your friends, you tell them that you are doing all those sins, they will like, 'man, you are great'. Saying all those stuff that you just told me. You didn't realize that what you just said actually saying bad about Islam. Showing that Islam does not care about Muslim. You are trying to say that being a Muslim is a disgrace, you can't do everything. And Allah will never forgive you because you are saying bad stuff about His teachings when you are Muslim. Then only in the hereafter you will realize that you have made a huge mistake. By that time, there is no turning back. You will suffer just like all the Islam's betrayer. So, go ahead and do what you want. If you want to suffer, do it."

The son remains silence. Seeing that actually his father is trapping him with his own words. Then only he realize that Allah forbids all of us to do some stuff because He always know the consequences.

How about us. This things does not imply only to drugs, alcohol or sex. This implies to everything that Allah forbids us from doing. He knows what is good for us and He will surely help the people who help his religion. For all the hard times we face just to see our Iman.

"Do men (Muslims) think that they will be left alone on saying, 'We believe' , and they will not be tested? We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly knows those who are true and those who are false."
Al-Ankabut : verse 2 and 3.

For all the muslims out there, Allah had said,
"Oh my beloved children, establish the regular prayer, enjoin what is justice and forbid what is wrong: and bear with patient constancy whatever come to you; for this is the firmness (of purpose) in (the conduct of) affairs."
Luqman : verse 17

"Who among you who sees wrong (mungkar), they have to forbid by using hand (power), if they can't, forbid using tongue (words) and if they can't, forbid using heart (hate). That is the lowest of Iman."
Muhammad SAW

Rabbina maak.

-Ibnu Aziz-

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